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Simply fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
Other questions
Are you interested in a possible business enquiry with Gajatix Software?
If you would like to get in touch with us regarding a possible future business enquiry, please feel free to drop us an email at any time!
Do you wish to contact us regarding a purchase made on Dragon Gate RPG?
If you are having payment issues with Intan Mall items purchased on the Dragon Gate website, please contact us using the above email. Note, the transaction details will be checked on our database too. If you are experiencing problems with the Intan Mall online shop, please visit our Payment Issues page on the Dragon Gate official site.
Anything Else?
If the subject of your email does not fit into any of these categories, then, please specify your query on the title of your email. We do not want spam, nor do we want to purchase anything!
Despite our fairly limited online presence, we have a project IndieDB page which can be viewed below.
We currently do not have a studio or any privileges that your average funded game development company has, but we can be contacted via email by clicking the button below (this will open in your default mail software).
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